Autumn R. Bayne, LMSW, MSW
Trainer & Care Captain
Autumn has worked within the healthcare arena as a therapist, patient care coordinator, and medical social worker. As a practitioner, she has worked with individuals who have severe mental health diagnoses and addictions, along with home care experience as a medical social worker and patient care coordinator. Her skill set greatly increased in home health care as she helped individuals and their families face long-term decisions and daily personal challenges, as well as challenges within the healthcare system, facilities, and community supports. Autumn worked directly with social workers and case managers in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, along with numerous primary care physicians and their staff. Her therapeutic skills and the relationships she has been able to form with patients and professionals in the healthcare community have been a culmination of her work and life experiences. Regarding a therapeutic approach, Autumn prefers the Solution-Focused method in which the individual recognizes how their past has influenced their life and life-choices; however, the critical aspects of life are the present and future; time frames that are greatly emphasized in order for the individual to believe in change, experience success, and achieve a higher quality of life. It was a great privilege to be given the opportunity to work at IndividuALLytics, as this school of thought is the very essence of the company.

Jenifer Tandoc, ADN, ALP, TNCC, ENCP
Care Captain
Jenifer has been an employee of the Beaumont system for 30 years, 20yrs, of which has been in the Emergency Department at the Troy Hospital location. She has always had a passion for helping others and her career has been motivated by the changing daily atmosphere of the Emergency Department. She is Trauma Certified in both Adult and Pediatrics, active in the Triage process and nursing diagnosis’s and collaborates with the Medical Team. Showing true leadership, she is always willing to precept new Nurses in finding their way through the ever so hectic life called the ER. Jenifer started with Indivduallytics in September 2020 as a Care Captain. Her Specific role is to help monitor the IAQ Plus Dashboard and help patients with their Chronic Conditions. She assists the companies MD in creating Care Plans specific to Chronic Conditions. When She is not working, she is volunteering. Currently, at Trinity Community Health, a Free clinic that helps the underinsured and uninsured patient maintain their chronic conditions.